Legal Notice

In accordance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, from July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce, the identification data of the company are:

CIF B88269071
ACTIVITY Educational video game development studio
POSTAL ADDRESS Cl. Ferraz, 3, 1º – 28807 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), Spain
TELEPHONE (+34) 918884042
MERCHANT REGISTRATION DATA Madrid Mercantile Registry, Diary 12, Entry 492, Volume 38655, Page 100, First Registration, Sheet M-687355


This website aims to provide the general public with information about the activities carried out by this organization and the products and services it offers to support its operations.

Using any of the features of this website implies the explicit and full acceptance of the conditions stated herein, without prejudice to any specific conditions that may apply to some of the particular services offered through the website.

The owner of the website reserves the right to make changes and updates to the information contained on the website or to its configuration and presentation at any time and without prior notice.

To keep the information published on the website up to date, the contents may be modified, corrected, deleted, or added at any time, so it is advisable to verify the accuracy or validity of the information by consulting official sources.


All elements of the website, including its structure, design, source code, as well as the logos, trademarks, and other distinctive signs that appear on it, are owned by DIDACTOONS GAMES SL or its collaborators and are protected by the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights.

Similarly, the images and other graphic elements contained on the website are protected by the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights.

The owner of the website expressly prohibits “framing” or the use by third parties of any other mechanisms that alter the design, original configuration, or content of our website.

The use of the contents must respect their specific licensing. Therefore, their use, reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation, or any other similar or analogous activity is strictly prohibited unless expressly authorized in advance by the owner of the website.

The reproduction, in whole or in part, of the texts and contents provided by the website is only authorized if all of the following conditions are met:

  • The integrity of the contents, documents, or graphics is maintained.
  • The website owner is explicitly cited as the source and origin.
  • The purpose and intent of such use are compatible with the aims of the website and/or the activity of the website owner.
  • No commercial use is intended, and the distribution, public communication, transformation, or decompilation is expressly prohibited.

Any other use must be communicated and expressly authorized in advance by the website owner.

Regarding references to third-party products and services, the website owner acknowledges the corresponding industrial and intellectual property rights of their owners. Their mere mention or appearance on the website does not imply any rights or responsibilities over them, nor does it imply endorsement, sponsorship, or recommendation.

The website owner respects the intellectual and industrial property rights of third parties. If you believe that our website may be violating your rights, please contact the website owner.


The website owner does not guarantee the absence of errors in accessing the website or its content, nor that it is up-to-date, although the website owner will use their best efforts to prevent, correct, or update them where necessary.

Access to the website and the use of the information contained within is the sole responsibility of the user.

The website owner is not responsible for the information and content stored in, for example but not limited to, forums, chats, blogs, comments, social networks, or any other means that allow third parties to publish content independently on the website.

However, in compliance with the provisions of the LSSI, the website owner is available to all users, authorities, and security forces, and actively collaborates in the removal or, if necessary, blocking of all content that may affect or violate national or international legislation, third-party rights, or morality and public order. If a user considers that any content on the website may be classified as such, please contact the website owner.

The website owner is not responsible for the responses made through the different email addresses that appear on their website, so no binding legal effect can derive from them.


Links contained on our website may lead to third-party website content. The purpose of these links is solely to facilitate the search for resources that may interest you through the Internet. However, these pages do not belong to the website owner, nor does the website owner review their content. Therefore, the website owner does not assume any responsibility for the content, information, or services that may appear on these sites, which are solely for informational purposes and in no case imply any relationship between the website owner and the owners of such content or the owners of other sites where they are located. The website owner is also not responsible for the functioning of the linked page or any possible damages that may result from accessing or using it.

Links to this website must respect the following conditions:

  • Establishing the link does not imply any agreement, contract, sponsorship, or recommendation by DIDACTOONS GAMES SL of the page that provides the link.
  • The webpage on which the hyperlink is established will not contain information or content that is illegal, discriminatory, contrary to commonly accepted ethical principles, or violates public order, nor will it contain content contrary to any third-party rights.
  • The website owner may request the removal of a link to their website without providing any reason. In such a case, the page that established the link must immediately remove it as soon as they receive notification from the website owner.
  • The website owner does not assume any responsibility or guarantee the clarity, accuracy, reliability, correctness, or morality of the content or services that the establishment of the hyperlink may offer. The user assumes full responsibility for the consequences, damages, or actions that may result from accessing the linked website.
  • The webpage on which the hyperlink is established may not contain any brand, denomination, logo, slogan, or other distinctive signs belonging to the website owner, except for those signs that are part of the same hyperlink.


In cases where personal data is collected, processed, or stored, it will be done in accordance with the Privacy Policy published on the website.


The applicable law in the event of a dispute or conflict regarding the interpretation of the terms comprising this Legal Notice, as well as any issue related to the services of this website, will be Spanish law.